Crow Skull ring
4-10 days worldwide fast shipping
30 Day Return guarantee
2 years warranty
Scary Crow Skull ring
A cunning and attractive Crow Skull ring made up of 316I stainless steel is available here on our website. A silver-colored crow with its beak pointed downwards is sitting on the skull head. Below it, a golden skull head is carved with hollow eye sockets and nose along with a wide grin of clenched teeth. The last noteworthy thing about this ring has to be the carved 'EXPENDABLE' below the ring.
These three elements of the crow skull ring make it one of the best pieces in our collection.
Black Bird Skull Ring
This Black Bird Skull Ring is made up of stainless steel and has a good-Built Quality. While some people might be comfortable in their routine, you want to rise above and make your own path. This ring is created with a skull and crow and has a dainty crow on its head. In addition, each ring comes with a style.
Do you ship worldwide?
The items offered on our website are available for worldwide delivery.
What is shipping fee
Worldwide $7.95
Free shipping over $49
How long does shipping take?
Shipping time varies by location. These are our estimates:
United States | 6-12 Business days | 10 Business days |
Canada | 6-12 Business days | 9 Business days |
Germany | 7-15 Business days | 10 Business days |
France | 7-15 Business days | 10 Business days |
United Kingdom | 5-8 Business days | 7 Business days |
Switzerland | 10-20 Business days | 15 Business days |
Australia | 6-12 Business days | 10 Business days |
New Zealand | 6-12 Business days | 10 Business days |
Singapore | 7-15 Business days | 13 Business days |
Italy | 7-15 Business days | 10 Business days |
Japan | 6-10 Business days | 7 Business days |
other | 7-20 Business days | 12 Business days |
*This doesn’t include our 2-3 day processing time.
Do you provide tracking information?
Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships that contain your tracking information, And you would receive the email when the order delivered or order exception, if you do not receive the email, pay attention to the email when it goes into the trash
Any question please contact ,we would reply you as soon as possible
We hope you to feel comfortable and confident when shopping at Thaya, so we offer a 30-day return & exchange policy.
Return& exchange
If for any reason you're not satisfied with your purchase, you may return or exchange the unused item in its original condition as long as you contact us within 30 days from the delivery date,you need to bear the return shipping fee by yourself.